
Showing posts from May, 2019

Six website metrics you must know

What matters most? View this email in your browser   Log in to your site › Your weekly dose of marketing tips, tutorials, and blogging inspiration. The Six Most Important Website Metrics Are you struggling to understand your site's statistics? Learn which measurements are most important for gauging your site's performance, and how to use them to make improvements. How can I measure success?     Get Social Increase Engagement with Smart Social Media Improve the visibility and reach of your content by keeping up to date with the changing landscape of social media. Learn more about what you should prioritize to optimize your site's performance. Boost engagement     

How to create shareable content for your website

What type of content gets the most shares? View this email in your browser Log in to your site ›   Your weekly dose of marketing tips, tutorials, and blogging inspiration. Four Ways to Make Incredibly Shareable Content  Wondering why your posts and pages aren't getting shared on social channels? You might want to reassess the type of content you're publishing. Take a look at some research-backed insights to help you create the kind of content people want to share. Increase my shares on social channels Tips & Tricks Make Your Site Smartphone-Ready with Mobile Responsive Designs   How often are you on your smartphone? Many people spend much of their day looking at their devices — and if your website isn'